Melika Miller, a native of Arkansas, moved to New York City after graduating from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff in pursuit of a music career. After moving to NYC, Melika studied the bible and was baptized. She has been a disciple of Jesus for 24 years. After years of teaching and performing Melika decided to go back to school and study pastoral counseling and spiritual care. Currently, Melika is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Tennessee with a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care from Fordham University. Melika is trained in pastoral counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy, Parent-Child Interactive Therapy, and mindfulness practices. Melika is passionate about inspiring teens, singles, and individuals from vast backgrounds to live their best lives. Melika has her own private practice called Love Abundantly Counseling, Inc (Gwendolyn Miller Counseling) which is based in Memphis, TN. In addition to counseling, Melika started a ministry called Love Abundantly Ministry, Inc in which she teaches workshops, seminars, and coaches individuals on how to grow deeper in intimacy with God, self, and others. Melika also helps to lead the singles ministry in Memphis, Tennessee and serves with other servant leaders across the midsouth to help with Mid-South Singles Ministry.
Melika is a soul music artist with new singles called Oh! and Don’t Give Up Now, an anthem to encourage others to persevere. Melika is a transformational speaker who has spoken for conferences, churches, and non-for-profits. Overall, Melika is a teacher, singer/songwriter, soul music artist, author (“40 years a Virgin: Why the Wait!? Promoting Purity in a World of Promiscuity” available on Amazon), therapist, and spiritual counselor who uses her platform to promote emotional and mental healing through biblical and clinical principles.
In 2020, the Lord led Melika to start Love Abundantly Ministry, Inc and to create an 8-week curriculum to teach on growing deeper in Intimacy with God, self, and others. Since starting the ministry, many have been impacted by the deep love Melika has for Jesus and how she merges her own story in order to help others.
Love Abundantly Ministry, Inc had its first in person seminar in August, 2022. The seminar was a 5 hour interactive workshop in which the participants were able to examine hindrances in growing deeper in intimacy and how this impacts their relationship with God, self, and others. They were also able to identify ways to overcome their individual roadblocks in growing in intimacy.
Currently, Melika is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Tennessee and is in private practice. Melika is a transformational speaker who has lived her life as an example of endurance. Melika’s mission is to leave a legacy of faith, hope, and love for others to follow